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Business Law Institute

Creating a common “lingua negoti”


Consistent with our focus on building better lawyers faster, the Tucker Ellis Business Law Institute seeks to quickly and effectively develop the firm’s business lawyers. The program takes an in-depth look at the issues business attorneys face in their daily practice and provides training, topic-specific mentoring, and best practices education. The Business Law Institute aims to create a common “language of business,” or “lingua negoti,” to help our attorneys develop a shared understanding of how businesspeople want us to approach and solve their business problems. Through the Business Law Institute, our attorneys gain the knowledge and insight necessary to provide our clients with the sophisticated, efficient, and cost-effective counsel they expect and deserve.

How it Works
The Business Law Institute consists of three sessions each month: (1) hot-topic training – including presentations by both internal and external speakers on important current developments; (2) educational workshops focusing on practice-specific topics; and (3) interactive meetings where attorneys of all levels share thoughts and ideas on important and timely legal issues. Through these sessions, our business attorneys bring to their engagements a cohesive, best practices-based approach to all of our clients’ needs – consistent with our unwavering goal to deliver a different and better experience than they can get from any other law firm.