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Dan Messeloff Comments on Effect of European Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Regulations on U.S. Companies and Regulators

December 2019

Firm News

Dan Messeloff Comments on Effect of European Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Regulations on U.S. Companies and Regulators

December 2019

In Bloomberg Law‘s 2019 Corporate Transactions Roundup, Dan Messeloff provided commentary for a special report exploring how Europe’s aggressive regulatory actions are pressuring U.S. companies and regulators to ensure data security and privacy.

“Socialist governments are more focused on the rights of individuals, and the threats and risks they may be exposed to where it is the government’s role in society to mitigate those risks,” Dan commented. “In the United States’ capitalist and free-market society, there is a stronger belief that companies will monitor themselves in the best interest of their consumers, so the government doesn’t need to act as quickly or aggressively.”

Read the article here.