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Firm News

John Lewis Quoted in InsuranceNewsNet on Security Class Actions

March 9, 2017

Firm News

John Lewis Quoted in InsuranceNewsNet on Security Class Actions

March 9, 2017

On March 8, InsuranceNewsNet quoted John Lewis in “Security Class-Action Suits Rise; Settlement Figures Stagnate.” The article focuses on a new study showing that investor losses in investment-related class action suits tripled last year, tallying them at $468 billion.

“These securities class-action figures are driven, in part, by the recent trend in Delaware and other venues scrutinizing and limiting so-called ‘disclosure only’ settlements in merger-objection cases,” John said. “The increased scrutiny of settlements has had a butterfly effect, while case filings may be up, settlement rates are down and dismissal rates are at an all-time high. More of these cases are being litigated and fewer are ending with quick-strike settlements.”

Read the article here.