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Corporate Representative Depositions: Selection and Preparation

Fall 2009 - Inter Alia, the quarterly newsletter of the Federal Bar Association, Northern District of Ohio Chapter


Corporate Representative Depositions: Selection and Preparation

Fall 2009 - Inter Alia, the quarterly newsletter of the Federal Bar Association, Northern District of Ohio Chapter

The selection and preparation of a corporate representative in response to a Rule 30 (b)(6) notice is of critical importance to the success or failure of the deposition. In this article—the second in a series on 30 (b)(6) depositions—important considerations in selection and preparation of a corporate representative will be discussed.1

Rule’s Applicable Language
Rule 30 (b)(6) states, in applicable part, it is the noticed corporation’s obligation to:
[D]esignate one or more officers, directors, or managing agents, or other persons who consent to testify on its behalf, and may set forth, for each such person designated, the matters on which the person will testify.  Read More…


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